How to Increase Your LinkedIn Reach

8 simple tips

🔥My recent Newsletter Discovery🔥

I discovered a newsletter on the weekend. Frankly speaking, I was a little demotivated until I saw inspiring creator success stories.

Read Creator Spotlight

(Read it when you feel like you’re failing, you’ll find amazing stories)

Comment before/after your post

LinkedIn is a networking social media.

So LinkedIn wants you active on the platform.

Start commenting at least 30 mins before posting and after posting.

This will help you to get more attention to your post.

Mention People/Companies

If it is relevant, tag people and companies on your post.

Do not mention more than 3-4 companies/persons in a single post.

If your content is quality, they will engage and it will get you more views.

Connect with Active People

Connect with the active people on the platform.

Check how often they comment/post. Use your connection request strategically.

I try to connect with the people who are active and writing about the topics I like.

It is a win-win.

Create a LinkedIn Newsletter

LinkedIn newsletters don’t give extra views for your posts.

But to your profile yes.

LinkedIn is advertising newsletters organically. I get random people subscribing every single day.

If they like your Newsletter content, they will check your profile and follow you.

PS: It gives you visibility on the search engines as well.

Reply to comments in 1 hour

Do not post and ghost. Reply to your comments faster.

I believe LinkedIn loves it, also your audience will appreciate it.

You will have more chances to start conversations.

More conversations under your post = more comments.

Try to ask open-ended questions.

Network with Bigger Creators

Start connecting with the people's big creators’ comments.

Comment on their posts with simple words. Follow others who comment too. Talk and make friends with them.

Go to their profile, and comments section.

  • Actively comment meaningfully on their posts.

  • Start following and commenting on people they comment.

Connect and engage with people who comment on their posts.

How does it help?

  1. You become a familiar face in the audience (Rule of familiarity)

  2. You increase your chances of being visible on the creator’s feed

  3. You add value (give before take) continuously by starting meaningful conversations

You add value (give before take) continuously by starting meaningful conversations

Chase Them
Comment on the creator’s comment on the other posts.


You automatically initiate a conversation between 2 creators and you.

At least trying it will make your face more familiar.

Support Smaller Creators

Smaller creators usually tend to be more active on the platform.

Engage with their content, and support them.

Surely, they will engage back.

Reply to your DMs before posting (Not Proven)

My LinkedIn strategy is based on networking.

It is a networking platform and LinkedIn prioritizes people who act accordingly.

Answering DM’s before posting helps with that.

There is no data-backed evidence for this from my side.

The task of the Week

Start implementing my tips, and measure how your engagement changes.

Question of the Week

Are you giving yourself enough credit?

See you next week!
Seha Okudan


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