LinkedIn Audience Analysis

are you building the right audience?

I decided to go solo last week and left my job

It is going to be hard, and stressful. That is for sure.
Whenever I need motivation, I end up reading stories on Creator Spotlight.
Those people made it, why wouldn’t we?

Read Creator Spotlight

Why building the right audience matters

It's easy to fall into the trap of building the wrong audience.

Ok, you can get followers or tons of engagement on LinkedIn.

But is it really from the right people?

If not, it doesn’t mean a lot.

Here’s why:

- You won’t be able to get conversions.
- Your reach eventually will go down.

Define your ideal audience first.

- Understand their knowledge level.
- Know their pain points by heart.
- Understand what ticks them.

Analyze your Audience with GPT

You need Chatgpt+ to do this.

💡Step 1: Start with follower analysis.

  1. Go to your LinkedIn Analytics

  2. Make it last 365 days

  3. Export from the top right

  4. Upload it to ChatGPT

💡Step 2: Write the following commands:

On what date did I earn the most followers?

On what date did I earn the least followers?

Give me the URL’s of those posts.

💡Step 3: Dive into post analytics

Go to your posts, and export post analytics.

Name your Excel files: General audience, worst post, best post

Upload Excel files (including the first one)

Write the following commands:

1. Get the top job title % from the general audience

2. Get the top job title % from the post 1

3. Get the job title % from the post 2

And compare audience changes by checking the posts.

PS: You can do it manually or paste your posts to GPT and ask for deeper insights.

Extra Tips

Leverage your connections strategically

Do not accept every connection request and connect with random people.

After you define your ideal audience:

- Connect with people in your ideal audience
- Connect with people who have a similar audience.

Comment on relevant people

Comment on big creators who might have a similar audience.

Commenting randomly won’t get the results you wish.

The task of the Week

Analyze your audience with GPT

Question of the Week
Is it okay to have the same life in 2026?

See you next week!

Seha Okudan


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